Need a Leash or Harness?

Should I Register My Dog?
Registering with this registry is a small but important commitment you can make to yourself and other disabled individuals who rely on their Service Dogs; to always represent the disabled and their Service Dogs in a way that creates open acceptance by all the businesses and organizations that allow us to grace their doors.

Leave A Good Impression Wherever You Go
We encourage education of and compliance with the ADA, (please see the extensive Frequently Asked Questions and Laws & Regulations section on this site) as well as the importance of training and behavior of both you and your animal. We have all been out in public where a parent seems to have no control over their child and we have muttered under our breath what a shame it is and how badly it reflects on other parents with young children that will follow them in this establishment. The same issues arise when someone has a dog who is not performing to the expected standards, reflecting poorly on other Handlers and their Service Dogs who follow later into that same business. It’s up to you to make sure you leave all you encounter with an excellent impression of what a good service team looks like.

Our Purpose
We are pleased to provide a place where you can register your service dog. In addition to issuing registration numbers, we also support this site from the sale of Custom Photo ID’s, to those who have voluntarily and purposely registered their service animals in the proper category they are trained to perform under.