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Handlers need to know their responsibilities

Every handler is responsible for the care and supervision of his or her service animal. If their service animal behaves unacceptably and the person with a disability does not control the animal, a business or other entity does not have to allow the animal onto its premises. Don't we wish that, that rule also applied to unruly children? Repeated barking, pulling away from the handler, or sniffing and jumping on other people, are examples of unacceptable behavior for a service animal.

A business has the right to ask the handler to remove his dog and deny future access to a dog that disrupts their business. For example, a service dog that barks repeatedly and disrupts another’s patrons enjoyment of a meal could be grounds to ask the dog to leave the premises. The ADA provides that businesses, public programs, and transportation providers may exclude a service animal when the animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others. An improperly trained service dog should not be growling at other shoppers at a grocery store.

While my diabetic alert service dog is only 15 lbs and works by detecting low blood sugar attacks by smelling my breath, his place in public is on the floor. If I felt that he needed to be closer to my mouth to more easily detect changes in my breath, I should be using a sling or other means to keep him close to me. I often see handlers who think the child seats in a grocery store are for their dogs, but they should not be used for your dog. First, what happens if the next party to use that cart has an allergy to dogs? Small service dogs can be placed in the handlers' carriage if they are not able to provide the service the handler needs from the ground. Handlers, think before you act: what would I as a non-dog owner expect from an individual with a service dog?

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